Fat Alex
Exotic Weapons
Rise Of The Wooden Forge

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This One of a kind Hand Crafted Dwarf War Hammer from the first Age of the Wooden Forge (Rise of the Wooden Forge). Mutilathe was brought to life by the Dwarf Lo-ig in the Rocore Forge. Lo-ig was one of the first to be trained by Fat Alex during his first voyage to Volair in the Great Halls of the Mt. Dwarves Kingdom of Rocore.

Ku-ud was the Dwarf priest that blessed the weapon, giving the weapon a +3 in battle, also giving the wielder-enhanced bravery. So the bravery would not lead the wielder into a suicidal attack, Ku-ud then gave it the Bless of Desperate Action. This enhanced the weapon upon the result that if wielder/troops were about to die the weapon would deliver an attack that would either save his life or hold the enemy at bay for a short time. The weapon would use one of the 3 charges it had to deliver this attack, though the power compared to the weapons construction could shatter the it.


Retail Value of $80.00


Type – One Handed Dwarf War Hammer

Material – Hyn Fir

Bands – Standard Anti-corrosion copper flex slag / Lava Bolts

Grip Wrapping –

Length – 17-1/2" long or 44.45mm

Head Diameter – 4-3/4" Diameter by 10" head

Weight – 4.0lb.

Stain – Shellcase Black

Forge – Rocore

This war hammer is one of a thousand different weapons designed by Fat Alex during his many adventures to the hidden realm of Volair. Now after many years of venturing back to Volair, he has reclaimed items he once crafted storing them in his personal vault, Fat Alex has now opened his vault to sell to our world.


Created in the first of the five Wooden Forge Ages known as "Rise of the Wooden Forge". Mutilathe’s solo owner was a dwarf named Jag-hue, one of the first dwarves that possessed a Fat Alex weapon but was never part of the original Fat Alex task force, Etch.

Jag-hue was a strong willed dwarf that was promoted to general with in the first year of his employment in the Rocore dwarf army. Like most Mountain dwarves Jag-hue had a love for the mountains, but he also loved waterfalls. Which lead him to many journey’s in his younger days. Being a adamant traveler he came to know his environment, thus when joining the arm, his superiors found Jag-hue to be a natural at tactic’s. He was promoted and given his vary own unit named the "Jagged Whips".

In the war against the Agamid and the Urostyx the Mt. Dwarves of Rocore had many successful hit and run battles. Twenty percent of them where lead by Jag-hue. Even with these vicious raids the Agamid and Urostyx where relentless.

After two years of fierce battle leaving Jag-hue with a third of his forces he volunteered his Jagged Whips for what was to be one of many aggressive assaults on the Agamid. Since Rocore could never seem to find a weak spot in the enemies lines. Jag-hue noted that the Rocore army needed to make one. He then laid out a tactical plan he thought could do it, but like a game of chess there where a few small battles to take place to pull it off.

Normally the Dwarf high council would have rejected such a plan that would lead hundreds of Dwarves behind enemy lines for such a length of time, but times where growing desperate and in the war with the Agamid and the Urostyx they had managed to hold ground and loose it, but never gain. Thus the fate of the Elves and the Humans.

The Dwarves with their many tunnels managed to attack the enemy behind lines on several occasions and they even managed to cancel the enemy’s air attacks in some battles.

The tactic was simple at first; give up ground to the enemy. As the enemy advanced other dwarves would lay waiting in tunnels, letting the enemy pass over them.

They would rise up from the hidden tunnels and attack the enemy from behind. Only this is where Jag-hue’s plan varied.

First they would wait two days after the enemy passed over. Then they would leave at night and move to yet another hiding place along the base of the Kich cliffs located at the time ten miles behind enemy lines (Killing all enemies they found). There they would wait another two days (undetected). Upon the night of the second day they would proceed one mile to the river Bulkrak. Float down river to the Steflog crossing. This crossing would be heavily guarded by the enemy, but a set of old tunnels under the bridge would be used to move the dwarf’s secret army another five miles to the South East.

At this point the army would rest and wait for day break. At this point the dwarves would rise out of the tunnels and attack a legion of Agamid that would be marching to go into battle where the dwarves front line would be pushing the hardest. The Agamid would have concentrated a large part of there army at this point.

The battlefield here is a place of many short hills and cliffs, with the occasional rock spires and dead ends. The dwarves know the land while the Agamid would be new to it, as they will have just gained the ground four days ago.

Here Jag-hue would attack the rear lines focusing on generals, wizards and other key areas. Then moving his forces to the South trapping an entire Agamid unit. The main force of the Rocore would then attack that point between the Southern Agamid force and the Central Force. The central force would have no leadership and would fall back. The Southern force would be trapped. As this was to happen Jag-hue would then circle back to the North. Here Jag-hue’s forces would pull a trick to make the main Agamid center army think there was entire Dwarf army flanking them. This would disconnect the Center army from the Northern forces as they retreated back to their base to find it in runes. The main dwarf force would then split into two parts, one to finish the Southern Agamid army and the other to pursue the Central Agamid army forcing them the five miles back to Bulkrak crossing. The Northern army would be engaged with the Northern Dwarf army unable to aid them.

At this point Jag-hue would rejoin the main dwarf army, upon pushing the Agamid to Bulkrak crossing they would then sabotage the bridge from the tunnels using the current of the river and a huge underwater sail to pull the bridge down.

It would take months for the Agamid to recover and it would be the first true victory in the war with the Agamid and the Urostyx.

The plan was under way, Jag-hue led his Jagged Whips and a few hundred other volunteers. They met a small Agamid force during their move to the cliffs of Kich, in a short fierce battle they extinguished the enemy without being seen.

The Jagged Whips moved down river and under the bridge, where they hid the river sail that would level the bridge. Through the tunnels they moved upon reaching the exit Jag-hue found that the Agamid army had not advanced yet, so they stayed in the tunnels. Two days passed till finally the Agamid army began packing up, but the process was slow and the dwarfs spent a third and fourth day in the tunnels. Being accustomed to living in tunnels this was a little concern to Jag-hue, but these tunnels where old and food was scarce.

With the Agamid’s slow withdrawal the Jagged Whips took advantage of this and began their attack on the fourth night. The Agamid back lines where spread thin and caught completely off guard as night fell; the Urostyx began their nightly assault. Despite being out numbered the Jagged Whips sent the Agamid running as they accomplished the first task of gutting the back lines. Upon day break Jag-hue lead his men South where they attacked come sunrise. Here the battle was fierce, but the counter attack from the Dwarf’s main force did not come as planned. Jag-hue found himself in a huge battle with limited resources. To make matters worse the Agamid army had a vicious Rock Giant living with them. The Rock Giant cornered half of Jag-hue’s army in one of the many trenches. It was here that Jag-hue used Mutilathe’s Blessing. Jag climbed one of the cliffs, launching himself through the air landing on to the shoulders of the Rock Giant. Jag’s then raised Mutilathe high into the air, bringing it down with all his might upon the Rock Giant’s skull, here the Blessing of Desperate Action came to life. Lurching in mid stride the Rock Giant fell backwards, crushing his own troops. The blow cracked Mutilathe in the process. Jag fell from the Rock Giant with bruised ribs and a broken hand. This rallied the Jagged Whips as they fought hard for the next hour when the Rocore main force showed up.

The rest of the plan went well, until the bridge. The river sail pulled, but the bridge held fast. The Rocore army fought hard but was forced to retreat knowing when night came the Urostyx would come.

The Northern Agamid army cut from its main force and without leadership fell apart, spreading out in small un-organized bands.

Jag-hue and Mutilathe fought for many days after to re-gain the land lost, but a week later the Agamid army re-crossed the Steflog, but as they moved their gigantic Agamoths across the bridge the river sail got the help it needed. The bridge collapsed splitting the Agamid army in two.

The Rocore never regained the crossing, but they held the Agamid who lost so many troops during that process that advancement of that flank never came. Jag-hue and Mutilathe where put into the Rocore Dwarf history book forever. Later Jag-hue retired he placed Mutilathe on his wall, but something was wrong with the weapon and the cleric Cu-yen found that the crack it received from the hit with the Rock Giant had actually left the blessing active since that time. This explained the many other great battles that left the Agamid decimated and though Cu-yen could not prove it, Mutilathe may have single handedly surged the Rocore army into victory.

Jag-hue scratched his head upon this news and commented –

"I was wondering how I was able to level most of my opponents with one strike?"

With the lack of battle Mutilathe was building charges on its own, only it needed a release or the weapon would explode. A magnitude that Cu-yen compared to that of a volcano.

Cu-yen opted to pass Mutilathe through the Hytur Portal and see if that would affect it. Sure enough it did, but if the weapon was to ever pass back to Volair and not be able to extinguish its charges! The result could be devastating!

Bringing Mutilathe back through the Hytur Portal Fat Alex placed the treasure in his secret Vault. Now the Vault is full and Fat Alex has decided to sell some of those items to our world.

Fat Alex hopes you enjoy your purchase and that you keep an eye open for more Fat Alex Exotic Weapons from the Vault and the continuing saga of the Fat Alex Chronicles.

Next Chapter "War Machines"

For more information you may contact Fat Alex through paul_m2o@yahoo.com . Weapons range from Hammers, Flails, Maces and Bludgeoners.