Fat Alex
Chronicles of Fat Alex
First Age: Rise Of The Wooden Forge

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The beginning of the first age “The Rise of the Wooden Forge” actually started many years before the first war hammer was ever crafted. It began with a wizard named Cremell who, like many dark wizards, lust for power. Cremell was no exception, he lust for power to match that of the Gods, immortality and power to conquer nations. Cremell belonged to the Wargon Citadel Dark Wizards, his rank was that of a common wizard.

Cremell took to the dark arts when he was fourteen, but he was always just a “B” student. In fact if he had not cheated as often as he had, he might have been “C-“ instead. After obtaining an insignificant status in the Wargon Citadel Cremell kept to his lustful ways, so much that it cost him the woman he loved. Though he vowed he would find another and give her eternal life.

Most wizards in Cremell’s position at the Citadel would take part in quests for artifacts, this Cremell loved, for it gave him a chance to get out from under the rules and eyes of the Citadel High Wizards.

Wizards that lust for power as much as Cremell, had two fates. Those were, they would yearn and never obtain the power they sought or they would turn themselves to cinder when attempting a new and powerful spell. Cremell was no exception, almost! The one thing he did know is that if he obtained immortality that he could gain the power later and there was one way to get immortality that he knew of, Vampires! The draw back with vampires for Cremell was they’re close nit of kin. They have their rules and more rules than Cremell was willing to give into, but they also had the power to live forever. So Cremell found a secret location to build his lab, a location far from all the other wizards and one he would teleport to weekly. (though his teleportation was not that good and he found himself lost a few times)

Cremell took interest in the dark art of potions with elf blood. His plan was to use the same type of potions with vampire blood. This kind of study could take years though and he still needed vampire blood.

During one of the many quests on behalf of the Citadel Cremell discovered an old book. He thumbed through the book finding torn pages, it appeared to be a journal. In the journal the use of “Forbidden Magic” was mentioned. Cremell had heard during his early studies about “Forbidden Magic”. It was a type of magic or spells outlawed by all wizards, it was punishable by instant death! All students were told about “Forbidden Magic” because there are limitations to a wizards power. The lesson was vague and it was meant to stay that way.

But this was the first he’d seen the mention of forbidden magic in another book other than a wizard textbook. So Cremell dug deeper reading through each page of the old journal, but he found nothing else that talked about the forbidden magic. A month later he returned to the area known as Fesel Kooc. Their original quest dealt with a search for artifacts that where to suppose to have been enchanted with ancient spells. Though the ancient spells where of low level. This peeked Cremell’s interest, for forbidden magic was to have lived hundreds of years ago and far to the north.

Cremell then studied the history of Fesel Kooc, finding that there was an even older city located underneath it, once known as Vil Kooc. Cremell returned to Fesel Kooc over the past year looking for ways under the city. It was here that during one of those searches that Cremell found a hidden room in an anti-chamber of a half destroyed palace. The room was filled with books and Cremell began to drool. He spent many days and nights reading through the books, though none of them proved to be spell books. Until he found one that mentioned a few spells of Necromantic origin. Some of the spells where more than he had ever done. But where they forbidden magic? He cross referenced the spells with the Citadel library finding that these spells where very similar to others used. He pushed on month after month until a year had passed, it was here that Cremell found another mention of forbidden magic.

It was a book in a locked hidden draw that revealed notes and a book telling of forbidden magic. By this time Cremell had read most of the books on the wall, they had little to do with magic, but he did gain insight of the days when Vil Kooc was in its prime. It was a medium size city that was a great place for wizards to study, but it was back in the day when dark and light wizards studied side by side, putting their differences aside. That was until a war broke out, a war between the wizards. The one thing that made no sense was that it was not a war between the dark and light wizards, but more of a war of individuals. The lines of who to trust seemed blurred, as if there was some unknown purpose that divided the wizards. From what Cremell could discover the war lasted a month when a final battle brought the mountain down on the city. And here Cremell discovered that the wizards did all they could to feign that the war had never happened.

Cremell theorized that the war was about the forbidden magic, but that was suppose to have happened far to the north or was the rumor falsified on purpose?

Cremell’s mind was racing with questions at this time, then he found the secret drawer. The contents inside revealed to him that it had been a war over forbidden magic otherwise called Fetid. He also discovered names to spells The Clame, Nossessess, Morcurum, Meldif, Ahagul, Ic and Borong. But there was no mention of the spells themselves. He also found a map used by the Fetid and notes of things needed, though for which spell and how it was used he did not know.

Meanwhile Cremell’s studies of elf blood had come to a stand still and he was in needed of a test subject. But finding a vampire test subject is a hazardous mission by it self. Most vampires belong to a bloodline or house. Most are very dangerous because their brethren is very near as well. Except for the rouge vampire, which are even harder to find and very unpredictable. So first Cremell devised a holding cell that would contain the vampire, then he brushed up on a teleportation spells that included more than just himself. Then he hired a band of thugs to be his strong arm. Cremell resorted to stealing with his magic for he’d used much money over the past year and had little for his projects. This demeaning act of stooping as low as a common thief enraged Cremell. He was a sorcerer, a wizard that could summon great power!

This was the actual point that began the first age of the wooden forge, for it was this forced to steal like a common thief ducking in and out of alleys that kindled the fire with in Cremell to the point that he began to take more risks! If it was not for this lack of swallowing ones pride Cremell would have settled to become a wizard crime boss after he would have considered the risks he was about to take as insane or pointless. But something snapped here and it would not be the last thing to snap either.

A year passed and Cremell had his hired thugs, a ton of gold, copper and silver as he established a crime ring that he turned over to his accomplices in crime so that he could deal with his personal interest. Cremell also located a clutch of vampires named the Vemblthan Bloodline. It was a strong gathering of vampires and the danger was high. So Cremell convinced a woman of the street, using her as bait. It took about a month but finally one of the vampires named Syth-ees noticed her and took a fancy. He courted her and luring her in, Syth-ees was ready to make his move and when he did he found the woman (Tyki) laying in her bed, he pounced on her and the trap was sprung.

Syth-ees, Tyki, bed and Cremell (waiting under the bed) were transported to his tower far to the south. Cremell was weakened by the massive spell, but thankfully it worked correctly.

Upon appearing in the castle Syth-ees abandon Tyki as he was comforted by a dozen armed men. (Some of the men where surprised as he was) Syth-ees battled hard killing three of them and wounding seven others, until Cremell re-gained his composure blasting Syth-ees from behind. The vampire recovered but was over run by the thugs. They through him in his cage and locked the door. Syth-ees was furious, he began a high-pitched bat call that would have summoned other vampires, but they were to far away.

Syth-ees used his great strength and failed to escape, he needed human blood to live without pain. This was the first thought that came to him, but he quickly found Cremell very hospitable despite the cage.

Cremell fought to get blood samples from the vampire, but it was the testing that really frustrated him, as he found vampire blood to resist everything elf blood did not.

During a period of this frustration Cremell had Syth-ees bite another test subject so that he could perform tests during a vampires beginning stages. This to ended in failure and he was forced to kill the subject. Cremell then did a joint testing of vampire and elf blood. This was a disaster as the test subjects one after another died. He then had a group of his subjects collect blood samples from anything and everything. By this time Syth-ees had attempted several escapes, but the cage held him fast. Though he almost hypnotized Tyki to unlock the cage. Cremell also knew that if Syth-ees did escape, after being caged like an animal for the past two years. The vampire would come after him with a vengeance few could survive.

            Cremell turned his attention back to the ancient city of Vil Kooc. Hiring more thugs he took his small army to the city. From previous studies of the maps he found, Cremell discovered a secret path, that if not blocked would lead him to the ruins beneath. To the place the Fetid battle had once raged. Upon reaching the secret path he found it dirty but usable. He ventured down with his small army. The ancient city smelled awful and reeked of death. The men in his army felt a terror creep into them. The ruins where extensive, but no one would spend the night in Vil Kooc. So the team slept above in Fesel Kooc by night and ventured down into Vil Kooc at day.

            Cremell searched for information on Fetid. The city was littered with corpses and signs of battle long ago. It wasn’t until the second week that the men discovered a plant that lived in the darkness. It was un-natural and Cremell ordered his men to take samples of the plant to his above ground lab, only the plant attacked his men poisoning three of them. Cremell then did tests on the two men, while he told the others he was trying to save them. The men died the next day, un-nerving his men.

            The search continued and the next day they found a statue that lived. The statue could not speak, but screamed at them endlessly. Finally the stand off ended when the statue attack them, one man was killed and four injured, the statue was destroyed. The following day they discovered a haunted building that bleed from the doors and filled the ancient city with wails of pain.

            Cremell and the men stayed away and the building went silent. After the third week many of the men where loosing sleep from fear as evil sounds echoed through the night, to Cremell this only meant he was getting closer, so he pushed the men.

            It was here that the team found a fountain full of black water. They approached cautiously, but then something lunged from the black water grabbing two of the men. It pulled them into the dark waters. Then out of the dark water rose a pillar of black sticky water with a head and grinning teeth.

            “That was fun, so tell me, who are you, my name is Nulus.”

            “I want my men back,” ordered Cremell.

            “But I’ve already killed them,” chimed Nulus as black tentacles move the water. “And I asked who your are?”

            “My name is Cremell, and why did you attack us?”

            “Oh but that is in the past now, can’t we move on, there is so much for us to learn,” whined Nulus.

            “The past, but that was seconds ago!”

            “Yes, but nothing can change it now, unless –“

            “Unless, what?”

            “You tell me what your doing here, Cremell, and maybe we can strike a bargain.”

            “And if I don’t?”

            “I know you are a wizard, but I also know your men are standing back thirty feet, I cannot leave this pool, but I can reach much further,” snickered Nulus with a wicked grin.

            “Reach further, you know magic?”

            ‘I know many things’, corrected Nulus.

            “You spoke to me, but in my head, you’re telepathic!” noted Cremell.

            “And I”

            ‘Can speak to any one person I chose, I can even control the actions of others, note the third man on the right with the dark hair and torch, his mind is weak!’

            Cremell turns as he watches the man with the torch turn and run straight into a wall screaming.

            “How did-“, Cremell started.

            ‘Oh, now you want to talk with me, well then? You didn’t feel any magic move between, because I can mask it, oh I do believe we have much to talk about.’

            “Okay Nulus, I will talk to you, I will tell you why I’m here, but are you going to hurt or kill anymore of my men, I need them?”

            “I promise I will not, if you promise to make our conversation interesting?” countered Nulus.

            “Okay then, I’m here because I believe that this ancient city named Vil Kooc, had a war named Fetid, and that the secrets of this ancient magic lay here in the ruins.” Cremell hoped Nulus could not read his mind, but he was honest with his answer, knowing Nulus’s power might be a link to Fetid.

            “Oh, yes, finally, someone has found this place, but why did it take so long?”

            “There are only a few rumors of Fetid and they actually made us believe it happened far to the north, it was by accident that I found an old book, noting Fetid.”

            “Ah, but you followed, what drew you in?”

            “The search for power, life and to break the mold of leadership among the dark wizards,” answered Cremell.

            “Fetid, is all about power, but it’s also about risk, what do you know of the casting of Fetid?”

            “Next to nothing, all the notes I’ve found have names, but no spells.”

            “Well then, you’ve come to the right spot, I will tell you a tale, and you will pick up the pieces of an assembly of great wizards that once ruled. I will tell you all that I know, but in payment, I want one thing!” grinned Nulus.

            “What is that one thing?”

            “That I will tell you, only if you agree, and only after I’ve told you the tale.”

            “So I have to agree to the terms, before I know what they are?”

            ‘Or I can sink back down into the water and kill all your men, ending your quest.’

            “You’re threatening me?” raged Cremell.

            ‘I simply want to know if you are really up for it, if your are, then nothing else will matter!’ smirked Nulus.

            “Okay then, I agree and when does this partnership start?”

            “Oh, we will start tomorrow, but until then you will need to enter the building to the left and get a red map in the first room to your left,” with that Nulus sunk back into the water.

            Cremell and his men left Vil Kooc, they all had an uneasy rest that night, Cremell retrieved the red map and studied it late into the night. It was a map of magic and a record of the Fetid movement.

            Cremell planned to search the same building more, whether Nulus wanted him to or not. Cremell felt a bit uneasy knowing Nulus could kill at will, but he was limited to the fountain. He would talk with Nulus and then take what he wanted.

            The next day Cremell with a few men met with Nulus again.


            “So, where should we start?” asked Nulus.

            “The red map,” noted Cremell wanting to get right to business.

            “Ah, yes, I take it you’ve studied it then.”

            “Yes, it looks like a map of magic, with Fetid to one side, it makes some sense but I do not understand the difference of Fetid compared to normal magic. It seems just fancy spells or another name for Wild magic, why is it so different?”

            “Well I’ll get to that, first you must understand that it was invented by a priest named Jenhurch, the priest sold his soul to Gorroz for more power. It was here that Jenhurch found his new power to control living organisms, mutations and souls. The power was overwhelming and it broke the bond of Jenhurch with his current demon, Mulch. Mulch was very upset at being ousted. Meanwhile Jenhurch began to write down the methods to his new power so that he could study it to get a better handle on it. He then sought help from a Dark mage named Yuy. Yuy was of tremendous help and so much that he to enlisted another mage to help scribe the methods. Soon a dozen wizards where involved in the project. Involved so much that they began to practice the new magic. Jenhurch became fearful of treason and made the wizards swear allegiance. They did so and Yuy thought they should unite into one force for one purpose. It was agreed and the Fetid was formed. After about a year they began to expand and gained power in the council seats of Vil Kooc. A high level wizard named Ducasis began a campaign against the Fetid. Its members murdered him and the rumors spread. The capabilities of Fetid where becoming known as other incidents occurred. We were strong, stronger than the other wizards. The other clans of wizards united against us and a battle took place here in this city. We were out numbered, but we where strong and our magic unstoppable. The only thing the clan of wizards had left was wisdom. We where winning battles and then a high wizard named Avolute sprung his trap. They used a wild magic spell that created a shell over the entire city. We cast our Fetid and the spells began to bounce around inside the shell. We kept casting spells and the enemy cast spells through the shell. Soon magic was everywhere inside the shell, we could not escape. Spells hit us and we where transformed, killed and the battle was lost. Then Avolute brought the mountain down on us. So be our fate.”

            “But if Fetid is so strong how could you all fail?”

            “Honest question, and if I knew the answer, I wouldn’t be here.”

            “Fetid is beyond magic or wild magic, but how, it seems no different.”

            “Ah, Magic is the manipulation of power from with in, power from other objects, power from nature, power from animals. Wild magic –“

            “I know what they are, but what is Fetid?” interrupted Cremell.

            “Patience, to learn Fetid you must have more patience than ever, I suppose that is where we went wrong. Very well then, Fetid uses powers such as normal magic and most spells are third level or higher, like Wild magic the results can have great and unexpected magnitude. But Fetid derives most from ones inner emotions, and sometimes emotions around them. Fetid is fueled by emotion; desire, ambition, the lust to win and like emotions it to has a wide range of results and effects.”

            “So you’ve turned emotion into raw energy that wizards and clerics can wielded the same?”

            “Yes, so if someone desires, immortality, it is now possible, time travel even, or the burning of an entire forest. Maybe you want to undo any spell, control love or hate. Raise the dead or cure the dead. With Fetid anything is possible, you only need to work out the formula that can produce the spell, if you can feel it you can create it. The more complicated the spell the more complicated the formula is. This is the draw back, but after you have performed the spell then you can use a compressed version for the same results, it’s called a Trigger Spell.”

            “And you have this formula?” asked Cremell eagerly.

            “I know where to find it?”

            “And that is?” persisted Cremell.

            “And that is after you have fulfilled the agreement we have.”

            “Yes, yes, you want something, name it!”

            “I desire the egg of a blue dragon, the egg must be fresh and it must still have two weeks before it hatches.”

            Cremell nods, “Very well, I will return with the egg and then you will give me the formula.”

‘Yes’. Then Nulus sinks into the black water of the fountain.

Cremell took to his new quest of retrieving a blue dragons egg with fervor. This was no easy task, but after 18 months of hard day to day searching Cremell obtained an egg.

Upon getting the egg, Cremell teleported directly to Fesel Kooc and traveled into Vil Kooc to the fountain where he found Nulus waiting for him.

“I have an egg”, announced Cremell who looked worse for where.

“The mother isn’t in tow is she?” asked Nulus.

“No, but I lost over fifty men and an apprentice mage to get this egg. So now we can finish our deal.”

“Yes, set the egg on the edge of the fountain and then I will give you the instructions to the Fetid formula.”

Setting the egg down Cremell turns to face the dark figure of Nulus.

“Now then, the formula is kept in the old history building, 3rd floor, room 303. In the back of the room there is a desk, in the desk there is a spoon and an old rusty key. Take both of them to the 2nd floor room 207 placing them in a metal box that is under the floorboards. Take the box up to the 3rd floor, room 301 and go to the window on the north face. Hold the box up and say these magical words. “Yuty Nor Stablish” the formula will appear in the window. Open the box and the spoon will become a scroll holding the formula and the key will become a magical lock for the box so that you may lock the box and it will disappear until you say the words to make it re-appear.” Nulus was silent then.

“That’s it?”


“Will you wait here until I’ve returned?”


Without another word Cremell ran to the history building, up the stairs, everything was as Nulus had told him. And soon the box with the formula and the scroll where his. Cremell returned to the fountain, but it was empty of Nulus and the egg.

Cremell left Vil Kooc, returning to his keep. Once there he got some rest and began studying the formula. After a week he tested it out on something simple.

“I desire a wench!”

He spoke the magic words to formulate the formula and the magical code began to unravel. He worked for one day and the spell was complete. Cremell then cast the spell, a woman soon showed up at his front door. Cremell then practice the Trigger for the spell and that worked to.

So he had found power and immortality all wrapped into one, and it had taken him only 15 some years. Still he had the caged vampire, he had to dispose of or use him.

With that Cremell began working on more complicated spells, one for immortality and one to use the vampire. It was here that Cremell unlocked a secret in the formula scroll showing him spells already made and how to perform them. One spell caught his eye Morcurum. It was the spell of true fusion. He could merge 2 or more beings together, creating an even more powerful creature and better yet, the spell would bind them to him permanently. He could in short, make his own genie or genies? He could have an army of them! Cremell was overwhelmed with the possibilities so much that he took sometime away to gather his thoughts.

Then one night a fellow mage named Forgur came looking for Cremell. With all of Cremell’s time away the Wargon Citadel was missing his presence and wanted a full report on what he’d been up to. Cremell tried talking his way out, but Forgur reminded him that he was part of the Wargon and they had every right to anything he’d been doing. Forgur also mentioned that the Citadel knew of Cremell’s criminal activities and they had not received part of the cut. Cremell gave Forgur a large bag of gold and a deep apology, hoping this would satisfy the wizards inquiry. Forgur told Cremell that he was pleased and would give a good report to the Citadel.

Cremell dogged a bullet, upon returning to his laboratory Cremell began to work on the Morcurum spell. A week passed and the spell was half done. Cremell received a note of thanks from the Wargon Citadel. Cremell made a point to pay the Citadel once a month to keep them off his back. Cremell then finished his practicing of Morcurom. Everything was in place. He only needed to pick who or what he was to merge with the vampire.

It was here that during one of his practice sessions that Forgur showed back up. Only this time he let himself in, catching Cremell off guard.

“Hello, Cremell, I’ve dropped into let you know that the Citadel is pleased with your payments, but why haven’t you told us of your prying into new magic?”

“I, I don’t know what your talking about.”

“Do you think the Citadel never noticed your comings and goings, do you think we don’t know about your theft of a dragon egg or that you’ve been researching Fetid!”

“You can’t prove anything, this is an outrage. Yes I did much research in the city of Fesel Kooc, but nothing else.”

“Oh we wondered what you where up to, we checked it out, we’ve talked with Nulus, its over Cremell you’re a sloppy wizard and your ability to keep things secret is sickening. You left trails and signs everywhere.”


The two wizards began to duel; Cremell soon found out that Forgur was much more powerful than he and that he stood no chance of winning. Cremell cast a desperate spell that Forgur used a summons spell to counter. Cremell looked up to see a demon named Kezzer over looking him.

Cremell looked at Forgur, Kezzer and then Syth-ees in the cage and then he cast the spell Morcurum.

There was a great flash of light and the room filled with smoke, moments later Cremell opened his eyes to see traces of energy crawling across the walls, one wall was cracked and everything had been destroyed or on fire through out the room. Forgur and Kezzer where no were to be seen. Syth-ees lay in his cage not moving, the energy crawling came to him and then disappeared.

Cremell gathered what he could find getting his men to load the wagons and headed out knowing the Citadel would be quick to look for the missing Forgur. The band of helpers and Cremell traveled for weeks, day and night. Every day Cremell would check in on Syth-ees, who lay in his cage in a deep sleep of sorts. Cremell practice more Fetid spells as they traveled, but it was tough to focus. The next spell he would cast would be immortality, but it was a very complicated formula and Cremell needed peace to practice.

Finally after a month they came to a village deep in the jungle where Cremell decided to make camp. They used an old stone mansion for the headquarters. Cremell set up shop in a huge living room. There he could practice and watch over the vampire or whatever it was. Cremell knew the conversion time for the vampire, demon and mage to fuse together would take a while. Then he would have a very powerful genie at his command.

A week went by before Syth-ees stirred. Finally he got to his feet where he stood leaning against the bars, staring with his/its full yellow eyes at nothing. The eyes where the only outward change of the vampire. It was here that Cremell tried talking to Syth-ees, but the vampire would not respond. The next day Syth-ees became more mobile and performed a simple choir of waving his hand as Cremell commanded.

            The next week pasted with Syth-ees performing more tasks and Cremell learning more Fetid. It was here that something unexpected happened.

            Fetid when the masters were creating it, found that even though a formula for a spell worked, it did not always work correctly. They discovered that what you desire and what the formula interrupts are 2 different things. So they would do a proofing of the spell and then correct it. The scroll that Cremell got Morcurum from held over 50 spells, only half had been proofed, Morcurum was not one of them. In fact the masters of Fetid found a few spells that would actually be discontinued and a new formula would be created from scratch to work out the glitches, Morcurum was to be one of them.

            It was a calm evening and Cremell was busy mixing a potion when the vampire / Syth-ees spoke his first words.


            Cremell turned looking at the vampire, “you spoke, what was it you said?”


            “I don’t know that word, can you say, Master?”

            “I did”

            “Oh, oh okay, well do you have anything else to say, I must get back to work,” continued Cremell somewhat anode.

            “Yes, I do.”

            “Okay, what’s on your mind?” It was here that Cremell looked the creature in the eyes, something was different!

            “I am Lycid, Lycid means master.”

            “Ah, no actually I’m the master, you are my servant, let me show you.”

            Cremell stood extending a hand.

            “I’m the master, because I can inflict pain, you’re the servant because you will do as I ask or you will feel the pain.”

            “I understand Cremell, but what you don’t understand is that I am Lycid, you made me. It is not my fault that you created me, but it will not be my fault either when I make my own. Do you think you can create something and it will look to you as a god?”

            “Okay, Lycid, I see you need to be taught a lesson, you will not talk to your master in that tone of voice!” Cremell ordered as he raised his wand, Lycid grabed the bars of the cage at this point. Cremell locked eyes with Lycid and it was here that he released that Lycid did not fear him and that Lycid was not looking at him as an equal.

            Cremell cast a fire blast spell, while Lycid easily moves the bar aside, unaffected by the fire blast.

            “I think you may have mistaken when you created me Cremell. Or maybe you should have killed me during the months of travel. Either way, the three of us you bound together have come to a decision. We don’t need you, in fact, we don’t like you.” Lycid moves like lighting pinning Cremell against the wall.

            “Ah!, but how, I used Fetid!”

            “I suppose you failed then, Fetid was forsaken by the way, because it can not be controlled and it messes with things that should not be controlled. Now shut up, I have an empire to build.” With that Lycid bit Cremell on the shoulder then tossed him across the room, where he smashed into a bookcase falling to the ground. Cremell’s right arm and two of his ribs broke in that crash. Laying on the ground Cremell struggled too his feet, spells bursting in his mind, then he was hit by the bookcase from behind. Lycid, his hand out stretched relaxed after falling the bookcase.

            “Well then, onto bigger and better things.”

With that Lycid took over Cremell’s headquarters and began recruiting others; he took all walks of life. Lycid was able to locate renegade vampires and wizards, bringing the unfortunates of the world under his wing. Some of them challenged them; they all failed then joined the ranks. Lycid also took up Cremell’s study of Fetid, only he seemed to have a knack for it, creating formulas in a quarter of the time and correcting the flaws in them. Meanwhile Cremell lay under the bookcase, half crushed, bitten by a half-breed vampire/demon, he found his immortality tainted with Fetid. The mansion Cremell lay in was abandon and forgotten.

            Lycid continued his quest for his own kingdom, after gathering stragglers from different walks of life he then settled down in a fortress he had constructed deep in the jungles of Kurpol. The fortress was named, Clandestine Fortress and the Lycid Regime was born. It would be known to others as the Agamid by day and the Urostyx army by night.

            Lycid was content with his kingdom, he was not happy with how the Elves, Humans, Goblins, Orges, Dwarves, Gnomes and others looked to him and his kingdom. The did not trade with him, they did not return his invites for dinner, the mages of all orders refused to deal with him in his requests to take part in their meetings. Lycid grew isolated, his kingdom weak and not respected. It became a place for thieves and mobsters. Lycid himself could not deal with everything, but when he did, heads began to come up missing. His actions became more brutal as others mocked him, the world was not listening to Lycid even though he possessed great power. Lycid perform a few feats to get the worlds attention, but he was dismissed as a freak or a half-breed or a bastard. Lycid was lonely, the vampires that lived with him where unruly and spent a great deal of time sleeping.

            Lycid then became very upset with his half-baked kingdom and whipped his fortress into shape. Those around him respected him or died. Soon his fortress was filled with valuable soldiers. But they were few. Lycid went into the land and used his powers to bend the people and animals to his will. And his will was great and powerful, the small kingdom of Veggenuse was crushed by him alone. Still, he alone could not fight wars, he needed an army. Lycid turned to Fetid and began to create his own army. He created the Agamid to fight in the day and the Urostyx to fight at night. Clandestine would have an army and the world would feel the angry of Lycid’s fustrations, one war at a time. The elves of near by forest realized that Lycid was a real threat and went to gather others to fight the fortress of Clandestine, but the elves where scoffed at and no one wanted to help. So the elves gathered their forces and set out to subdue the Lycid’s army.

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